Welcome to Tomlinson Equine
Situated in the Cotswolds, Tomlinson Equine is a leader in the field of Equine Breeding and Performance Sports Horse medicine. Established in 2002, this highly successful equine reproduction centre and ambulatory vet practice is run by equine vet, Emma Tomlinson.
The ambulatory practice vet team have a focused interest in athletic performance, lameness and preventative medicine. The vets come to your yard with diagnostic and therapeutic equipment needed for efficient diagnosis and treatment of common equine problems.
The stud and reproduction vets boast impressive success rates and a very high quality of service for all broodmares, donor mares, stallions and foals. We have a full team of experienced vets, stallion handlers and other, all-important, equine staff.
For mares, we offer Artificial Insemination. Embryo Transfer, OPU, Foaling Down and Weaning. On the stallion side, we offer Dummy Training, Semen Collection and Semen Freezing services.
Tomlinson Equine, (formerly Beaufort Embryo Transfer) is an APHA Approved Semen Collection and Freezing centre as well as being the UK’s first APHA Approved Embryo Collection and Freezing centre.
This allows us to store export status semen and embryos for international export. Tomlinson Equine also has a number of Stallions standing with us, both resident and on a walk in basis.


Click HERE to download a recipient mare application form.