Stallion Services

Stallion Services at Tomlinson Equine

Tomlinson Equine is a  DEFRA Approved Semen Collection and Freezing centre for UK & EU Export.

Stallion Company's Leprince Des Bois sporthorse stallion
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Stallion Livery

We offer different options when bringing your stallion to Tomlinson Equine. We take stallions on a livery basis for short or long term for semen collection ad freezing services and on a walk in basis.

Turnout is provided in secure post and rail stallion height fences, a short walk from the Stallion stables. The Stallion stables are in their own secure area within the barn. 

Semen Collection

Collecting from your stallion is done in a secure, controlled, safe, purpose built facility. 

The stallion is presented to the teaser mare alongside the dummy and an artificial vagina (AV) is used to collect from the stallion when he jumps the dummy.

Semen Collection – Fresh & Chilled

Our fresh & chilled semen collection service gives Stallion owners piece of mind when they bring their stallion to the centre either on a ‘walk in’ basis or to stand with us for the breeding season.

The semen is processed in our semen lab and used as required: – Inseminating residents mares; transporting to anywhere in the UK; exporting as chilled semen in Europe. Stallions can either reside at Tomlinson Equine or Walk In for each semen collection.

Semen Evaluation

When semen is collected from the stallion, it is important to evaluate the sperm to ensure it’s quality. To do this we place one drop of raw semen into the well of a clean microcuvette and put this under the SpermaCue Photometer to evaluate the sperm density.

We assess the following:

Total Motility %

Progressive Motility %

Visual Concentration 

General Observations on mortality, sperm presentation

Volume of ejaculate 

We also look at whether it has good vigor, sluggish, dilute. We also look out for a lot of circular movement, which suggests thermic shock, sperm with swollen heads, suggestion Osmotic shock and an increased amount of deformed or abnormal sperm. 

Stallion Training

Tomlinson Equine offer Stallion Training for young stallions and for stallions that have proved to be difficult to collect. During the training your Stallion will be trained on the dummy with the AV. His semen will be evaluated and you have the option to freeze the collections into doses. These can then be used for your use on your own mares or marketed to be sold. 

Semen Freezing

We offer full Semen freezing services including Epididymal Semen Harvesting as well as Semen Processing, Analysis and freezing on site. We can also provide year-round Frozen Semen Storage. Please call the offer to enquire about our Frozen Semen Services and prices.